06/27/16 – What’s Cooking


Worlds Best Cook

Valda Trophy

It was my honor last Friday to be able to present this year’s, World’s Best Cook award to Chef Valda.  Chef Valda was selected as the World’s Best Cook by a panel of culinary experts, many of whom attended the ceremony and gave testimony as to the pleasure of Chef Valda’s skills. 

Me y Valda with Trophy

Embracing Peace

“Embracing Peace,” a sculpture by Seward Johnson, was installed Monday in Memorial Park in Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Wk 27 Embracing Peace

A 25-foot-tall sculpture based on a famed photograph of a kiss in Times Square in New York City at the end of World War II is visiting Royal Oak as part of efforts to raise money for a war memorial.

It is one of several “Embracing Peace” sculptures on display in the U.S. and Europe. (Source: Crain’s Detroit)


Honor Thy Temple

Wk 27 Eat Pizza to lose weight

Remember, it is just a dream.


The Foundation for Being Extraordinary

If there is one character trait that could help you live an extraordinary life, this could be it.

Wk 27 Be Positive


Getting Along with Others

If you want to get along with others, keep this in mind.

Wk 27 Many Ways to do something


Growth Keeps You Extraordinary

Every so often I like to share scientific  information.  Perhaps, this is some scientific information that will really make your day.

Wk 27 Earth Rotation


The Odds & Ends of Being Extraordinary

Wk 27 Things you can't recover


How Proust Can Change Your Life

By Alain de Botton

This isn’t a new book, it was written in 1997, but I’ve read and reviewed it a number of times and have found it helpful and interesting.

Helpful by reminding us if we think and act like we are going to live forever, a lot of things important to us will be missed.

It has some interesting ideas such as characters we see in paintings (I will add to that movies and TV), we should imagine people we know in those roles.

There is also insight into human nature, such as when people part, it is the one not in love that makes the tender speeches.

Wk 27 How Proust Can Chg Your Life


 Love and Friendship

This movie is not laugh out loud funny, but it has some very clever dialogue.

Wk 27 Love and Friendship

Love & Friendship is a 2016 romantic comedy. It is based on Jane Austen’s  novel Lady Susan, first published in 1871. The film stars Kate Beckinsale, Chloë Sevigny, Xavier Samuel and Stephen Fry.

Although it was adapted from Austen’s novel Lady Susan, the film was produced under the borrowed title of her juvenile story, Love and Friendship. Love & Friendship received critical acclaim and has been a box office success in North America.



When it comes to tolerance:

67% – thought they were more tolerant than others

28% – thought they were about as tolerant as others

5% – thought they were less tolerant than others

How tolerance do you believe most people are:

59% – thought most people were ok, but could improve their level of tolerance

23% – thought most people were not very tolerant

18% – thought people were very tolerant




“We Didn’t Start the Fire”

by Billy Joel


Leaning Tower of Pisa

Here I am by the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but I must admit that it looks a bit different from I had envisioned and as seen in history books.


The Leaning Tower of Pisa is known worldwide for its unintended tilt.

The tower’s tilt began during construction, caused by an inadequate foundation on ground too soft on one side to properly support the structure’s weight. The tilt increased in the decades before the structure was completed, and gradually increased until the structure was stabilized (and the tilt partly corrected) by efforts in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. (Source: Wikipedia)


Captain James T. Kirk

 Wk 27 JamesTKirk

James Tiberius Kirk was born in Riverside, Iowa, Earth on March 22, 2233 and graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2254.  He was captain of the United Federation of Planet’s Constitution-class starships Enterprise (NCC-1701) and Enterprise (NCC-1701A).  

James Kirk never married, as his strongest passion was for his career and his command, ship and crew. He was renowned for many relationships with women, human and otherwise.

Kirk is best known for his independence and unorthodox problem solving. Kirk violated the Prime Directive a few times during his various commands, such as the renegade Enterprise crew’s voyage into 1986 in a mission to take a pair of humpback whales into the 23rd century.

He joined 24th century starship captain Jean-Luc Picard [Please don’t ask me how he did that] to prevent El-Aurian scientist Tolian Soran from destroying the Veridian star system. Unfortunately he died in the fight with Soran. Picard buried Kirk on Veridian III.


Wk 27 Joke


Thanks to Tania & Samantha, for commenting on last week’s post. I urge you to let me know what you are thinking via a blog comment.

My thanks to Raul for  following my blog (Now 71 Followers) and the 66 people who liked my Harmony Books & Films Facebook page.

If you think this blog has any merit, please pass it on to your friends.  Hopefully, more of you will continue to share this blog with others. My thanks to Carol, Joyce, Joanne, Cindy, Russ & Karen for sharing my post last week on Facebook.


If you know someone who is trying to change their life or that needs to change their life, please consider my book.

For those of you into reading books on a Kindle, the Kindle version of my book is $4.95.

My book is available on-line from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Books-A-Million.  

And if you have read my book, please leave an evaluation of it on Amazon.  Thank you.

My Final Cover


